Since 2021 I have spent many hours developing, designing, and producing a variety of handmade project bags to store all of your beautiful stitching projects. It has been a dream come true to work from home and provide for my family in this way. The days have been very long. What you may not know is that I also work a day job part time from home and homeschool my daughter. As she gets older her schooling requires more time to complete, as one would expect. After 3 years of working 12 hour days (not including housekeeping tasks) I am honestly quite tired and it is time for a change. 3 years of waking up very early in the morning to sew on your orders and get them shipped out to you as quickly as possible while still providing an excellent product. 

The last year has been quite difficult, as I'm sure it has been for everyone. Sales have significantly decreased leaving fabric on my shelves from past releases that didn't sell great. Eventually that takes a toll on a small business. Maybe I'm just not good at dreaming the big things and executing those goals well. I know the wait times are sometimes long, but it is only me here. I do all the purchasing, production, photography, listings, website updates, emails, Instagram updates, filming, packaging, shipping, etc. I cannot keep up like other companies. 

So all this to say that I will no longer be having bimonthly releases. I will be moving to a 1st of the month release schedule only. I will also not be continuing to have 10 or more of each variety available. I have a few more spring themed stacks of fabric for multiples that I will release early in 2025. Otherwise I will be working with my scraps that I have to make more one of a kind scrappy Cross Stitch Totes and Handbags. 

I will continue with those until sales cease or until I run out of useable scraps. I will also only be releasing Ready to Ship items. That is good news for you because you won't have to wait very long at all for your items to ship. No more pre-order status unless I come up with a special release package or something. 

I will not be leaving cross stitch all together though! I still have ideas for sewing patterns that I would like to put together for you. I want to continue exploring designing and be able to devote more time to that side of the craft and explore how my cross stitch designing skills can grow. 

I am so thankful to each an every one of you who has purchased a pattern or bag from my shop. I hope the bags I have made will safely keep your stitching treasures for many years to come! 

Amanda Corbet

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